The Last Head-hunters of Nagaland

The Konyak tribe of Nagaland are known for their headhunting history, which was continued until 1960. The former warriors are recognised by their facial and chest tattoos and animal skin, hair and horns which are ceremoniously covered over their bodies. This tribal community is found in large numbers in Nagaland, India and Sagaing of Myanmar. The place is situated at the India and Myanmar borderline.

Lungwa Village
2. India-Myanmar Border at Longwa village of Nagaland
India-Myanmar Border post

The word ‘Konyak’ is derived from ‘Kaonyak which means ‘blackhead’ or ‘human’.

1. Village Chief Aung Tonyei
Village Chief of Lungwa Aung Tonyei

The social system of the Konyak is dependent on the hereditary Kingship or Wangship. The former warriors are recognised by their facial and chest tattoos and animal skin, hair and horns which are ceremoniously covered over their bodies.

6. Chest Tattoo- Status symbol
Chest Tattoo- Status symbol of warriors

Tattooing is a kind of permanent dying. The skin of the body was perforated and some designs were drawn on the different parts of the body especially on the face, chin and chest.

5. With facial and Chest Tattoo
Oldest Headhunter-Chopa (85yrs)
4. Manyam(81Yrs)- The head hunter in traditional dress
Manyam(81Yrs)- The head hunter with horns in the ears

The design-making was painful but the men and women in the past accepted it for it was something like a status symbol. These tattoos are found only on the body of warriors. The Men who had gone to the war were marked by chest tattoos. They used the thorns of an orange or lemon tree to make the needles, which was then tied to a wooden pestle. The ink was made by mixing resin from burning trees.

3. Oldest Headhunter-Chopa(85yrs)
With facial and Chest Tattoo which signify the courage and pride

The tattoos are only found on the face of head hunters. The custom of killing enemy and bringing the head was indicative of courage and pride in the past.

Manyam with traditional dress
7. Inangnan(82 yrs) with Gun
Another headhunter Inangnan (82 yrs) with Gun
8. Wanchah- The only headhunter without chest tattoo
Wanchah- The only headhunter without chest tattoo. He was the oldest headhunter who had only captured head at the first battle.

The belief among their forefathers was that some magical power was there in the human skull. In the past, a heroic reception was accorded to a warrior who entered the village with the captured head of the enemy.

Lungwa Woman
Children of Lungwa village

The village-folk, men and women used to offer ceremonial reception to the hero. The skull was tied in the log drum and dance and merry-making continued throughout the night.

9. Replica of the headhunters
Replica of Warriors

Published by Animesh Dey

I am a Phd student working on the field of life science. Enthusiastic photo hunter and traveller. I always want to explore and show images in a new perspective to the world. My current project is the study of cultural and rituals of tribals communities of India.

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